Over the past seven days, I have had the absolute pleasure of being able to travel to Tignes, in the French Alps, and ski and snowboard with some of the amazing friends I have made in Leeds. After close to 12 hours of travelling from Leeds to Geneva to Tignes, I had one of the most amazing weeks of my life. It was filled with some many laughs, numerous bruises from falling, and a lot of drinking, which were followed by some horrid hangovers.
A weekend in Milan.

As my final weekend in Leeds for the semester, I decided that it was time to celebrate my academic year...with a trip to Milan! Italy is a country that I have always wanted to venture to, as Italian cuisine would be up there as my favourite in the entire world. As well as just eating, I have always wanted to view the phenomenal architecture and wonderful culture that this country has to offer. Milan would never have been my first choice for Italian cities, but I think after this weekend I have fallen in love. The city is filled with life and is just amazing in general.
Leeds United Football Club match.
One of the things that I wanted to tick of my Exchange bucket list was to go to a game of the biggest sport in the world, soccer!!! When my friend told me the Leeds United, our local team, was playing a home game, I jumped at the opportunity. I actually did play soccer for a few years back at school, not that I was any good at it, but at least I understand what is happening...kind of. We managed to score front row seats, so that we could be amongst all the action.
A day in York.

As I had managed to stay in Leeds for the past few weeks, over the weekend a few friends and I boarded an early train to York. Almost everyone I have spoken to, both tourist and local, has insisted that a day trip to York is imperative...and I would have to agree with them. York is only quite a small little town, but my goodness it is adorable. The city is completely different to Leeds, still having lots of little winding streets and shops immersed within. Even though the weather was its stereotypical gloomy self, I would have to say that this would have to be one of the most beautiful places I have ever been too. I felt that I was just walking around with my mouth wide open. Oh, and to top off this amazing day...it started to snow!! How surreal.
Catch-up over lunch.

I've just sat down to have lunch in a cute little coffee shop across the road from uni, when it dawned on me how long it's been since I have written and posted anything on my blog. The last few weeks have been absolutely mental and jam-packed. So I thought this would be a great time to just sit down for a little catch-up with you all, and tell you about where I have been up.
Christmas Markets,
cold weather,
going out,
my adventure,
A weekend in Edinburgh.
Yet again, I have spent another weekend out of Leeds. Our entire group ventured up north to the chilly town of Edinburgh for a few days to celebrate one of the girls 19th birthday. Now I have never been to Scotland before, but I had heard so many glorious things about Edinburgh. So when the trip was initially suggested, I was very keen to join. Even though we had a few BIG nights, we all managed to pop a smile on the next morning (accompanied by some trusty sunglasses) and explore this beautiful town.
Bonfire Night.
Every year on November 5th, all of the United Kingdom come together to celebrate Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night. It was so lovely cuddling up in all our cosy coats, watching the fireworks explode above us. There was also a massive carnival across from where we watched the display. For everyone back home, the history behind this famous evening includes the arresting of member of the Gunpowder Plot, Guy Fawkes, while he was guarding explosives that were plotted to be placed beneath the House of Lords. Celebrating the fact that King James survived this assassination attempt, people lit bonfires around London, and years later it was made a National celebration day.
A day in Sheffield.
Today my friend and I jumped on an early train to Sheffield, and spent the day exploring around. Now I know what you're thinking, Kate are you ever in Leeds? However, I have vowed to make the most of the insanely cheap and convenient British rail system. So I have been visiting as much of the UK as I can while I'm over here. Sheffield is a picturesque little town, and we managed to pick an amazing day to come and visit. Upon our arrival, the streets in the city centre where filled with rides and carnival treats, as it was towns annual Halloween fair. A lot of shopping and eating was completed throughout our short stay, and the weather managed to clear up and was even a little warm. I know, it was bizarre!

Halloween back home in Australia isn't much of an ordeal. When you're younger, you dress up scarily and trick-or-treat around your local area. But as you get older, there isn't much happening during this spooky holiday. However, this is a completely different story in Leeds. Every club has a Halloween themed event, so all you have to do is take your pick and dance the night away is your best costume.
Despicable Me,
my adventure,
A weekend in Machester.
This weekend I ventured to Manchester to visit my family friends that live there. Manchester is only a 1.25 train journey through the lovely English countryside. Also free food and accommodation, it would be a crime to decline that offer! It really made me miss a nice home-cooked meal, and lounging around watching television. Even though the weather was a little dreary, I was fortunate enough for this lovely family to show me around the greater Manchester and spoil me rotten for the weekend.
A formal affair.
On Sunday, Devonshire Hall students were undertook their first formal event for the college year. We were to all attend a formal Sunday roast lunch, where we would be in the company of our Warden, student president, and other noteworthy members of staff. Before this, a photo would be taken of the entirely of our residence in their formal attire, as a way to capture the wonderful year (or six months) that we would all spend here.
Leeds Varsity match.
Leeds Varsity is a day full of sporting competition for rivalling university's University of Leeds and Leeds Beckett University. However all the hype and excitement builds towards the main spectacle of the day, the firsts Rugby Union game. Even though I went to this event, not having any idea what the rules of Union are, this didn't deny me of an absolutely amazing time.
Getting involved.
get involved,
my adventure,
An important crossroad.
I've had this picture as the background for my phone since my travels began. The past seven days have been be a period in my life that I will forever remember, however not for the reasons that you would initially think. Last Monday I was left alone in foreign city, surrounded by people with obscenely peculiar accents. In such a short space of time, I have experienced one of the biggest learning curves in my life. I was thrown into the deep end, and I feel as though this newly formed independence I have uncovered has kept me afloat.
Home sweet home.
After much anticipation and waiting, yesterday I finally moved into my accommodation in Leeds. I have been more than ready to settle into my room, as I feel that I have been living out of a suitcase for what feels like an eternity. After going around and meeting most of my Devonshire buddies, I can honestly say that their are an overwhelming number of Australian's here. What are the odds. Travel to the other side of the world, and literally everybody surrounding me is Australia. My next door neighbour even goes to the same university as me back home. So without further ado, let me give you the grand tour.
The calm before the storm.
Today I decided to have a look around where I will be living for the next five months. As it's only international students trickling in, the entire campus is extremely quiet and eerie, like some sort of ghost town. However there will only be a few more days of this peace, as before the week end is out, almost all students will have moved in and the campus will be buzzing with life.
Exploring Leeds.
This morning I packed up my bags, for what feels like the millionth time, as today was the day that I was travelling up to my new home for the next five months. After travelling for 2.5 hours from Kings Cross Station, through the picturesque British countryside, I finally arrived to the Leeds station. I decided that in this afternoon I would have a wonder around the city, and I even managed to make it to the University of Leeds, where I will be living and studying at.
Afternoon strolls.
The sun is setting on my first full day in England. I'm back and have arrived safely...so mum you can stop worrying now. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family who have been very patient with me, with my severe jet lag. I swear, no matter how much sleep you get on a plane, it never seems to be enough. I anticipate that mornings will be when I am most aware and functioning, as I will be waking up early for the next week or two, as I did this morning at 4:30am. This afternoon, my aunty tried her best to keep me awake by going for a lovely stroll through their local parklands.
afternoon strolls,
jet lag,
my adventure,
Nineteen years into two suitcases.
My final goodbyes have been said. Today is my final day in Australia for 2014. 141 days until I will be back home. Waking up this morning I realised that it would be the last time I slept in my own bed for five months. Out of everything I have had to do in order to organise this trip, packing was definitely at the top of my most dreaded list. It's crazy to think that I have to cram my entire life into two suitcases. Nineteen years, everything I own into two suitcases, that's mad. And let me tell you, I've been struggling to to squeeze it in. I thought I would let you have a sneak peak into my bag, so I could show you what I'm taking.
The final preparations.
It's now getting to the pointy end of the countdown, only three sleeps to go. All of my paperwork is (finally) in place, I have had my last shift at work, and I am beginning to say my final goodbyes to family and friends. It doesn't feel real, that in a few days time I will be packing up my life in Brisbane and moving across to the other side of the globe...alone! All that is left to do now is pack. Something that I have been dreading and putting off for a long time. I think the main reason for this is because once I have packed, that means that this is all real and about to happen.
Oat & sultana cookies.
Cookies are just the ultimate snack. They are perfect for when you are running out the door but need a little pick me up, and they go perfectly with a cup of tea in the afternoon. The problem is, they are not the healthiest of treats. But fear not my foodie friends, I have a solution to this ever so concerning conundrum. Let me introduce you to my healthy oat and sultana cookies.
Spiced banana muffins.
Hearty Spicy Lentil Soup.
The weather in Brisbane at the moment is rubbish, there is no way to sugar coat it. Outside my window is a constant drizzle of rain, which really limits your activities, especially on a weekend. This weather makes you want to just snuggle up and stay indoors, with a nice big bowl of...you guessed it, spicy lentil soup.
Scrumptious Bliss Balls.
Now I am someone who can resist a sweet treat. However these sugar cravings aren’t the best, as I know my body is going to dislike me later. After finishing exams, I have been doing a lot of cooking and baking, trying new, healthier recipes and I think I might have the jackpot this time!
The Green, Energy Machine Juice.
If you are looking for a healthy way to start your day, look no further then this juice. It’s packed full of goodness and will make you feel fab for the day. I like to sprinkle a dash of chai seeds on top of my juice, just for some additional protein. Pairing this with a slice of avocado on toast is ideal.
The First Step in a Somewhat Large Adventure.
Hi there.
Welcome to my blog! My name is Kate and I am nineteen year old student from Brisbane. About three months ago I received an envelope that I have been anxiously awaiting for....my acceptance letter to study at the University of Leeds in England. This was the main reason for me starting this blog, as I could keep my family and friends updated about my overseas adventures. I also love fashion, beauty, photography and food, so I think this will be a great way for me to share my appreciation for it.
Welcome to my blog! My name is Kate and I am nineteen year old student from Brisbane. About three months ago I received an envelope that I have been anxiously awaiting for....my acceptance letter to study at the University of Leeds in England. This was the main reason for me starting this blog, as I could keep my family and friends updated about my overseas adventures. I also love fashion, beauty, photography and food, so I think this will be a great way for me to share my appreciation for it.
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