Exploring Leeds.

This morning I packed up my bags, for what feels like the millionth time, as today was the day that I was travelling up to my new home for the next five months. After travelling for 2.5 hours from Kings Cross Station, through the picturesque British countryside, I finally arrived to the Leeds station. I decided that in this afternoon I would have a wonder around the city, and I even managed to make it to the University of Leeds, where I will be living and studying at.

The campus is absolutely stunning, with the buildings just oozing with history. It is such a massive change to the Queensland University of Technology, where I study at back home, as the buildings have a very modern architectural influence. By sheer coincidence, I even stumbled upon the School of Media and Communications, which is the faculty in which I will be studying while I'm here.

Then after a little more wondering around, I spotted some signs pointed to a Great Field. So after walking around the backs of numerous buildings, I was finally greeted by the lushes greens of this exquisite space, which is tucked in the centre of the university. Don't be fooled by my photos, this isn't just a little park, it is exactly what the name suggests, a field! I can see myself spending a lot of time here, especially since it is so close to some of the classes.

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